

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

New Beginning

It’s the start of a new year. The perfect opportunity for new beginnings and change. Perhaps you’ve been through a few personal difficulties and you’re a little nervous about what the new year holds for you.
Here’s the thing – you need to kickstart your life with a new beginning, with a fresh start to get out of the tired, dusty path you’ve been treading so far.
It’s a new year. Why not be adventurous – take a vacation to Vietnam or India,  where the culture is very different to what you’re used to? Or supercharge your life by studying a new course or trying a different exercise program to the one you’re used to.
Only you can change your life for the better by freeing yourself from the choices you made previously.
New beginnings are always difficult. But let’s take a cue from Oprah Winfrey, much loved and admired today. But she faced monumental challenges and many attempts to start over before gaining fame and success.
She had a really tough life – born to a poor teenage mom, sexually abused at 9, pregnant at 14 – all the ingredients for disaster.
Her fresh start came when she went to live with her father who encouraged her to develop good habits. She studied hard and this led to a scholarship to Tennessee State University where she majored in communications.